'Be Europe' with BBDO for FPS Chancellery

Think BBDO developed the logo for the Belgian Presidency of the European Union on behalf of the FPS Chancellery of the Prime Minister. A powerful logo with a clear message.

Itson: a new brand in the Europan battery market

Think BBDO created Itson. A European consumer battery brand that wants to take mobile power solutions to the next level.

Positioning of Belgian Development Cooperation

Think BBDO aims to improve the perception of Belgian Development Cooperation by focusing on its support for initiatives by local actors to enhance healthcare, local employment and sustainable development.

Country branding Belgium: embracing openness

“We don’t say Belgium is great. Others do.”

VITO: a sustainable brand

VITO contacted Think BBDO to give the brand ‘a face’, both internally and externally, and to develop a strong and clear brand identity.

Towards a social goal for Ethias

Think BBDO developed a purpose statement and brand manifesto for Ethias, the Belgian insurance firm. An important step forward for a brand with a clear social commitment.

Mee Met De Stroom: raising awareness of the energy transition

Mee Met De Stroom is a joint campaign by the Flemish Minister for Energy, the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency (VEKA) and network operator Fluvius to raise awareness in Flanders of the energy transition and everything related to it.

Institute for the Equality of Women and Men: a new approach to communication

Think BBDO has delivered a strategic communication plan for the IGVM, which is the federal government body charged with protecting and promoting gender equality. A permanent and more than ever important social task.

A new story for BIO

Think BBDO worked on a new brand story and personality for the federal government's Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO).

Delineated brands portfolio for international group

Think BBDO audited the brands portfolio for a large international group in the agricultural sector and worked on a relevant and distinctive positioning for each brand in this portfolio.

D’Ieteren: a new identity for a 215-year-old brand

Since its inception, D’Ieteren has been helping mobility move forward. Think BBDO has created a new brand identity that reconciles the past with the future.

Pharma.be: purpose “science serving life”

As the coronavirus forced schools and shops to close and people to work remotely, Think BBDO developed a purpose and brand campaign with Pharma.be, the umbrella organisation of innovative pharmaceutical companies in Belgium, for what has once again proven to be a vital industry for our economy and society.

COVID-19: stakeholder strategy and crisis communication for a pharmaceutical company

During the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis in Belgium, Think BBDO supported a leading pharmaceutical company’s communications.

Bel RTL: revitalising a strong radio brand

Bel RTL, a French-language radio broadcaster, needed a brand overhaul. Think BBDO helped them develop a new, more contemporary positioning.

Fluvius: a successful merged brand

Think BBDO developed the complete brand positioning, the new brand identity and the communication strategy for the new Flemish utility company Fluvius

Port of Antwerp, in tune with the world

Think BBDO assisted the Port of Antwerp with developing a new mission and vision, which was subsequently transposed into a strong brand

The City of Brussels, a new strong city brand

Over the years, the communication of the City of Brussels has become fragmented. Think BBDO devised a new, coherent brand, to emphasise the unity in the city.

Solidaris: a brand for “your health defenders”

One of Belgium’s largest health insurance funds partnered with Think BBDO to develop a brand positioning, connecting it with its members.

IMPACT!: offer young people a perspective

Think BBDO and the King Baudouin Foundation joined forces, devising the IMPACT! campaign that helps young people tap into their potential.

North Sea Port: a new port brand

The Port of Ghent and Zeeland Seaports decided to partner with Think BBDO for their merger into North Sea Port. The outcome? A new, clear identity and a strong brand.

NMBS: The S-train becomes a brand

In 2015, Belgian public transport company NMBS launched a new suburban train for the Brussels periphery. Think BBDO helped devise the brand positioning.

Spa: more than an iconic water brand

What if consumers perceive your various sub-brands as separate brands? Spa asked Think BBDO to devise a new brand strategy.

Leuven: leading the way in terms of urban sustainability

How do you ensure that a city like Leuven emits no CO2 by 2030? It all starts with a tactical plan and a good communication strategy.

Vitalink: towards a healthy network

The Vitalink system enables healthcare professionals to share medical information. But how do you communicate this to all the project’s stakeholders?

NMBS: the station as a brand

NMBS wanted to improve the image of its stations, with a view to increasing traveller numbers and finding commercial partners. Think BBDO turned the station into a brand.

Umicore: focus on the future

The perception of Union Minière at the end of 1990s prevented the corporation’s further growth. Think BBDO devised a new positioning, name, logo and identity.

Genk: a successful transformation

Genk needed a distinctive and unique positioning because it was unknown and therefore unloved. Think BBDO developed a brand identity for the city.

Bekaert: a hard as steel brand

A new business activity, an unclear image and blurred positioning led Bekaert to contact Think BBDO. Together we prepared the company for the future.

NMBS: the driver of our mobility

Mapping the mobility of the future is not an easy task. Think BBDO assisted the NMBS-Holding with a purpose exercise and a coherent story.

C-mine: the transformation of a mining site into a creative hub

C-mine had already determined a focus, but lacked a positioning. Think BBDO developed a clear brand passport, communication plan and creative concept.

Elia: energy pact builds bridges

System operator Elia was searching for a vision on the future of energy in our country. Think BBDO gathered all the stakeholders around the table and drafted a pact.

De Krook: Ghent’s library as a brand

In 2017, Ghent’s city library moved to the new De Krook site. They asked Think BBDO for advice about their brand policy.

MyFamily: a booming brand

MyFamily, a newly-founded child benefit fund, asked BBDO to help develop their brand positioning and launch campaign.

Milcobel: the power of a cooperative brand

Milcobel, a dairy cooperative, developed a strong brand positioning for internal and external target groups, together with Think BBDO.

European Union – Directorate-General for International Partnerships: building a strong story in the world

Think BBDO devised a clear, consistent and strong brand for the EU around international partnerships. This brand is intended to make the EU's role in the world clear, both within the EU and in its partner countries.