Itson: a new brand in the Europan battery market


In 2022 Advanced Power Solutions, the former Panasonic Belgium, requested Think BBDO to create a completely new brand that takes us to a new era of sustainable, smart and simple mobile energy solutions. We developed the name, positioning and visual identity of the brand.

The challenge 
The battery market is a quite unemotional category dominated by some strong international brands on the one hand and private labels on the other hand. APS wants to shake up the market with a completely new concept that rejuvenates and modernizes the battery world. Not just another battery brand but a sustainable brand for mobile energy solutions in the daily life that captures the contemporary on-the-go lifestyle of a young generation.

Our approach 
Think BBDO set up an interactive and participative process to determine the positioning, personality and value proposition of the new brand through multiple workshops using the unique Morris Matrix model of BBDO. Together with the client we defined the core elements of the new brand as simplicity, sustainability and vitality. Our new brand understands that we live in world of never-ending energy and offers more and better energy to realize your full potency without feeling guilty about the environmental impact: ‘Energy for life’. This positioning was then thoroughly tested and validated through qualitative research.  

As a next step we started the creative process of name generation which resulted in the name Itson
A name that perfectly evokes the idea of a new start but also that there is no ending and energy will always be available. Itson gives you the energy you need to help you stay on wherever you are and whatever you’re doing. 

Once the name was chosen we worked on the logo and visual identity of Itson. Since the brand needed to challenge the category we developed a simple, bold, vibrant identity.  

Itson is since 2024 available in e-commerce in a completely plastic free packaging

Filed under Branding

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