Corporate communication: reach every stakeholder

Brands are never alone on an island, instead they are part of an intricate social fabric. In recent years, the field of vision of organisations has rightly broadened from just ‘shareholders’ to a much wider group of internal and external ‘stakeholders’. Including employees, policymakers, interest groups, customers, journalists and more.

Such stakeholders not only expect companies to make a profit, but also to contribute to our society and climate in a positive way. Brands who do not, risk harming their image and losing their customers in the longer term.

A corporate communication strategy helps brands to communicate intelligently to diverse groups of stakeholders. With a credible message and through the most relevant channels.

Purpose, as the pole star

The brand purpose is the organisation’s guiding principle and explains why the brand does what it does. As a higher goal, the ‘brand purpose’ empowers a strong connection, with both internal and external stakeholders.

This purpose also gives direction to a company’s communication and activities. Various brands – ranging from Patagonia to Ben & Jerry’s – have been successful in standing out thanks to their purpose-driven approach.

Thought leadership: set your own agenda

Never before in human history was so much information available. Too much sometimes. Meanwhile, there is growing suspicion and fear of fake news. More than ever we need trusted voices with a clear vision.

Thought leadership puts brand knowledge into new and unique perspectives. In this way, the brand makes its mark on public debate, rather than remaining reactive.

Think BBDO helps in finding topics that a brand can credibly claim. As trendwatchers and with data analysis we generate new insights, a 360° communication strategy then helps in sharing these ideas with the world. And always with our eye on developments in society and current affairs.

Reputation and stakeholder management

A brand’s reputation is one of its most precious assets. A good reputation takes years, even decades to develop, but disappears like snow in the sun without the necessary care and communication.

With market research and stakeholder interviews, Think BBDO keeps its finger on the pulse of brand reputation and stakeholder perception. Insights from this research are incorporated in both strategic and operational communication plans with measurable impact.

Strong brands are a source of reliability

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