Think BBDO is a pioneering brand consultancy with more than 15 years of experience in branding, corporate communication and change communication.

We build sustainable brands

We believe that strong brands are like butterflies. They are all unique and the result of many transformations. Adapting well to their environment as they go. And with one beat of their wings they can cause a tornado on the other side of the world.

More about our brand vision

See you in September
published on 05/01/2024

See you in September

The book of 2023 is already half written.

Rien ne va plus
published on 05/01/2024

Rien ne va plus

Extreme violence by young people has been gripping major French cities for more than a week. There is no shortage of explanations and search for causes. France is – like the US – more than ever a divided country.

Radio 2: the listener is right
published on 05/01/2024

Radio 2: the listener is right

People don't like revolutions. Also when it comes to listening to the radio.



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